Concerns and Complaints Procedure
St Mary's Catholic Primary School recognises that at times things can go wrong. This guidance will help you understand how to resolve concerns you may have about your child’s education.
Please see the link to the policy at the end of this document for the full policy and the full procedures.
The school has procedures for dealing with concerns or complaints and we value any feedback about our services, including compliments and suggestions. If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s education, you should contact your child's class teacher or a member of the school's management team:
Mrs Corbett - Early Phase leader - Nursery and Reception Classes
Mrs Butler - Lower Phase Leader - Year 1 or Year 2 Classes
Mrs Childs - Middle Phase Leader - Year 3 or Year 4 Classes
Mr McCavera - Upper Phase Leader - Year 5 or Year 6 Classes.
The next level of management is:
Mrs Weaver - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Brown - Headteacher
Governoring Body
The school’s governing body has overall responsibility for the school and for ensuring the well-being of pupils and that all pupils receive an appropriate and high standard of education.
The Headteacher is responsible for making decisions on a daily basis about the school’s internal management and organisation. So you should contact the school if you are concerned about an issue such as:
• your child’s academic progress
• special education needs provision
• your child’s welfare
• bullying
• something that has happened in school.
How do I complain to the school?
First, we hope you will speak to the relevant member of staff as soon as you have a concern. This will probably be the class teacher.
This informal approach is nearly always the quickest and most effective way of resolving your concerns.
If you feel that your concern has not been resolved, then please speak to one of the people above.
If you feel that your concern has still not been resolved, then please speak or write to the Headteacher who will look into your concern.
If you are unhappy with the Headteacher’s response you should write with your complaint to the Clerk of the Governing Body at the school address. Mark your envelope ‘FOR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION’ or email at