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Strategic Vision


Our Vision

At St Mary's we are growing to...

Have BELIEF in ourselves, in others and in God for with God nothing is impossible.

Find PEACE and happiness in each other and in ourselves demonstrating MERCY without end.

Be humble in our thoughts, words and actions by living to SERVE others.

Seek and speak the TRUTH to set us free... and LOVE as Jesus taught us without condition.

Strategic Priorities 2024-2027

strategic vision
Values 1 Website


The purpose of this strategic plan is to set the vision of the school for a period of three years and to communicate our vision, mission and ethos and our long-term direction for the school. It reflects our values and outlines what we want our children to gain from an education in faith and to take into their next stage of learning.  This plan has been created by our leadership team with the assistance of governors and staff, taking into account the views and thoughts of our children and their parents.

The vision statement of the school is a statement of the school’s aspirations.  We are proud that the fantastic staff within the school are already delivering many aspects of the vision but we are striving for continual improvement.  As ever, consideration must be given to external factors and we must respond to legislative, budgetary, policy and curriculum changes that continue to influence the school.

This plan also includes the strategic milestones.   These will provide you with more detailed information on the specific areas that need to be addressed in order to ensure the vision is delivered.  The milestones will explain what needs to be done but not how.  The question of ‘how’ is addressed in the School Development Plan (SDP), which is a separate operational plan created by the Headteacher and the school’s Senior Leadership Team.  This will explain how the school intends to meet the priorities to achieve the strategic vision.  The milestones will be used as a measure of progress towards achieving the vision.

The governors, leadership, staff, pupils and their families are incredibly proud of our school’s achievements and its ethos and values and it is our intention that St Mary’s will continue to rise to meet all of the challenges and opportunities that the future brings.

Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluating Success

The governing body will monitor the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan and the SDP to ensure that the school is progressing towards meeting each of the strategic priorities.

Governors, in their various committees, will monitor each priority area and report back to the Full Governing Body on a regular basis. Overall progress will be recorded and used to both challenge and support the school towards achieving its ultimate aims.

The SDP is reviewed annually at the first Full Governing Body meeting of the school academic year. The Strategic Plan will be reviewed annually and amended as necessary to ensure it is responsive to the needs of the school, our children and academic standards.

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