Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage 2024 - 2025
Rec Uffington Class with Mrs Larcombe
Rec/Y1 Liddington Class with Mrs Corbett

Our Philosophy
At St Mary's Catholic Primary School we believe that every child deserves the best possible start within the Early Years. We ensure that the children feel safe, secure and happy in order to lay the foundations for good progress through school and life.
We aim to...
Form Positive Relationships
Form a positive relationship with the children in our care through inviting the children into school for induction activities, having the local pre-school attend our Christmas production and sharing our news and achievements within the class.

Provide a Stimulating Environment
Provide a stimulating environment where children can explore, investigate, discuss, think critically and plan through a wide range of adult planned and child iniated activities indoors and outdoors.

Observe and Support
Identify and support the children who require extra support in order to learn and contact the relevant professionals.
Observe the children within their play and collect learning evidence within their learning diary.
Form Partnership with Parents
Form a partnership with parents and carers through a structured induction process, regular parent-teacher meetings, workshops, volunteers within the class and having an open door policy.
Responsive Planning
Ensure that our planning is in line with the EYFS curriculum and is flexible in order to respond to individual needs and interests.

At St. Mary's, teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme.Throughout the year, your child will learn a variety of sounds to support them in their reading and writing. We ask that you read with your child as much as you can and that you sign their yellow reading record at least once a week. The reading book and library book will be sent home every Thursday (unless you are informed otherwise). Reading records and reading books will be collected every Monday.
Click here for more information about reading and here for more information about phonics.
Articulation of phonemes
Sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1
Sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2
Sounds taught in Reception Spring 1