Welcome to the Upper Phase 2022-2023
Y5 Sarum with Miss Wilkinson
Y5 Ridgeway with Mrs Everitt
Yr 6 Waylands with Mr Ward
Yr 6 Avebury with Mr McCavera
Creative Curriculum
Weekly homework will be given out every Monday and is expected in on Friday. Homework includes one piece of English work, one piece of maths and spellings and reading. Your child will have a homework diary, homework book and a spelling book which must be taken in and out of school and home every day. It is vital that children practise their times tables until they are fluent.
In addition, children will receive a selection of topic based tasks. They are to choose and complete two of these only over the whole term of 6 to 7 weeks. Topic homework is to be completed and handed in when finished, before the end of term.
Our topics this year will be:
Term 1:
Term 2:
Term 3:
Term 4:
Term 5:
Term 6: