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Welcome to Middle Phase 2022-2023

Middle Phase picture

Y3/4 Malmesbury with Miss Barnett

Y3/4 Stonehenge with Miss Matthews

Stonehenge class photo

Y3 Creative Curriculum

Y3/4 Ermin with Mrs Childs

Our topics this year will be:

Term 1: 

Term 2: 

Term 3: 

Term 4: 

Term 5: 

Term 6: 



Y4 Creative Curriculum

Please read with your child every day and sign their homework diaires to show they have read.  This will help us to know when your child's book needs to be exchanged. 

Please ensure that your child practises their spellings in their spelling books.  A list of suggestions are available at the front of their red spelling books as to how to make learning spellings a little more exciting!  It is essential that your child also knows how to spell the words on the Y3/4 Statutory Spelling List, which is also at the front of their spelling books. Spelling books are given out on a Friday and must be returned by the following Friday so that new spellings can be stuck into their books.

Maths homework will be set by your child's maths teacher.  By the end of Year 4 children need to know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12 so please make sure that they practise these at home too.

Our topics this year will be:

Term 1: 

Term 2: 

Term 3: 

Term 4: 

Term 5: 

Term 6: 

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