Computing at St Mary's

Our Vision
The use of computers and computer systems is an integral part of the National Curriculum and knowing how they work is a key life skill. In an increasingly digital world there now exists a wealth of software, tools and technologies that can be used to communicate, collaborate, express ideas and create digital content. At St Mary’s we recognise that pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced computing education with a structured, progressive, approach to the learning how computer systems work, the use of IT and the skills necessary to become digitally literate and participate fully in the modern digital world. Our aim in delivering the Computing Curriculum are:
- Provide a broad, balanced, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for all pupils;
- Develop children's computational thinking so they become creators of digital content rather than simply consumers of it; and have repeated Have practical experience writing computer programs in order to solve such problems.
- Meet the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 program of study at KS1 and KS2;
- Respond to new developments in technology;
- Enhance and enrich learning in other areas of the curriculum;
- Develop children's understanding of how to use computers and digital tools safely and responsibly.
- Understand the importance of governance and legislation regarding how information is used, stored, created, retrieved, shared and manipulate.
How we plan and teach Computing
Every classroom from YR to Y6 has access to computer devices connected to the school network. KS1 classes have their own controllable floor robots and in KS2 there are 30 Micro- Bit project Kits which are programmable and adaptable by children to carry out specific tasks. Computing is taught as a discrete subject, though access to devices is available to use for cross-curricular activities. Pupils are supervised using Online and computer technology at all times.
Our Computing progression model is broken down into three strands that make up the computing curriculum. These are Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. At St Mary’s we use and follow the Purple Mash scheme of work from Year 1-6, ensuring consistency and progression throughout the school. The Purple Mash scheme of work enables clear coverage of the computing curriculum whilst also providing support and CPD for less confident teachers to deliver lessons. In addition there is a breadth and depth given by use of lessons where relevant and project focuses using Barefoot Computing, Code Club and Micro-bit resources. In addition, Computer Week focuses throughout the year see pupils use a range of technology to discover, investigate and solve engineering and design problems and the school is involved in the Enthuse Project- a partnership of schools supporting each other to deliver STEM lessons and encourage the development of the engineers and programmers of the future. In KS2 pupils also take part in Code Club- a chance for pupils to extend their learning of programming skills.
Our pupils are fully encouraged to engage with Online technology outside of school and use a variety of learning platforms: Purple Mash, Education City, My Maths, to support their cross curricular learning. Computing, Online Safety and safeguarding go hand in hand and the focus on staying safe online is central to the delivery of Computing skills and guided by the document, “Education in a Connected World”.
How we evaluate Computing
Our Computing Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression and build on and embed current skills. We focus on progression of knowledge and skills in the different computational components and there is a discreet vocabulary progression also form part of the units of work.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through monitoring with our subject computing lead visits, collecting photo images of pupils practical learning, a reflection on standards achieved against the desired outcomes, learning walks and staff and pupil voice feedback. In addition to this, we monitor children’s work with recording of summative assessment three times a year.